Who’s Leading the Insurtech Talk in August?

The amount raised by insurtechs in Q2 2018 is $603M which is just slightly higher than the $597M raised in Q1 2018, according to data provided by Venture Scanner. But even though funding is 17% lower in the first half of 2018 compared to the first half of 2017, insurtech remains a hot topic and here’s the proof.

The graph represents a network of 738 Twitter users whose recent tweets contained "insurtech - (minus) fintech", or who were replied to or mentioned in those tweets, taken from a data set limited to a maximum of 18.000 tweets.  The network was obtained from Twitter on Monday, 13 August 2018 at 21:18 UTC.

The tweets in the network were tweeted over the 12-hour, 11-minute period from Monday, 13 August 2018 at 09:00 UTC to Monday, 13 August 2018 at 21:12 UTC.


Top 10 Vertices, Ranked by Betweenness Centrality:












Top URLs in Tweet in Entire Graph:

[13]        https://medium.com/@TunstallAsc/why-insurance-is-failing-1be1baea54a9?source=friends_link&sk=aed4aecfe3397c2d95a0b2db426c70b6

[12]        https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6434383151086211072

[11]        http://www.digitalinsuranceagenda.com

[9]          https://www.willistowerswatson.com/en/insights/2018/06/emphasis-blockchain-use-in-insurance-from-theory-to-reality#.W2suZK085IA.twitter

[8]          https://www.kleinblue.fr/single-post/2018/07/10/Insurtech-100-EMEA-english

[6]          https://twitter.com/albertogaruccio/status/1027259844250816512

[5]          https://cointelegraph.com/news/why-tokenization-is-still-a-chimera-expert-take

[5]          https://www.coinex.com/vote/project?id=898

[5]          https://inscoin.co

[5]          https://medium.com/blackinsurance/the-black-insurance-architecture-how-to-design-a-smart-contract-insurance-platform-1ec3e4353c7a


Top Domains in Tweet in Entire Graph:

[31]        twitter.com

[27]        medium.com

[25]        digitalinsuranceagenda.com

[18]        linkedin.com

[13]        co.uk

[10]        coverager.com

[10]        insurancebusinessmag.com

[10]        willistowerswatson.com

[8]          kleinblue.fr

[7]          dronesuavuas.com


Top Hashtags in Tweet in Entire Graph:

[346]     insurtech

[144]     insurance

[77]        ai

[65]        bigdata

[59]        iot

[50]        blockchain

[45]        machinelearning

[24]        crypto

[23]        digitaltransformation

[20]        cybersecurity



Top Words in Tweet in Entire Graph:

[482]     Words in Sentiment List#1: Positive

[106]     Words in Sentiment List#2: Negative

[0]          Words in Sentiment List#3: Angry/Violent

[13567] Non-categorized Words

[14155] Total Words

[460]     insurtech

[281]     insurance

[135]     gt

[95]        ai

[93]        blockchain



Top Word Pairs in Tweet in Entire Graph:

[65]        gt,gt

[35]        insurance,insurtech

[33]        bigdata,iot

[29]        mikequindazzi,gt

[28]        ai,redefining

[28]        redefining,insurance

[28]        insurance,significant

[28]        significant,shift

[28]        shift,125

[28]        125,years



Top Replied-To in Entire Graph:

[4]          insurtechtalk

[2]          stephenmgoldy

[2]          shares4sharing

[2]          marinador72

[1]          insurtech_ger

[1]          sbc111

[1]          gbaileyco

[1]          jblefevre60

[1]          getethoslife

[1]          metromile



Top Mentioned in Entire Graph:

[41]        inscoinforknox

[34]        mikequindazzi

[28]        stratorob

[28]        spirosmargaris

[24]        fgraillot

[24]        ipfconline1

[21]        mcins_

[21]        sabinevdl

[21]        blackinsure

[18]        insurtechtalk



Top Tweeters in Entire Graph:

[1426017]            arkangelscrap

[1041844]            nosqldigest

[1036477]            sectest9

[948972]              startuprealtime

[696811]              evankirstel

[577591]              ottlegalrebels

[349025]              tvsnext

[346058]              economictimes

[327956]              ranganaathan

[223699]              startupsbot