World Takaful Conference 2017 | InsurTech Integrated

Dubai, UAE | World Takaful Conference (WTC) is the leading global forum for Takaful and has played an instrumental role in the development of the industry for more than a decade by facilitating thought-provoking discussions, producing quality research and generating actionable insights. Convened by leading financial intelligence platform, Middle East Global Advisors, and held in strategic partnership with the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), WTC 2017 will gravitate around the theme of “Stability, Authenticity & Technological Transformation”. The conference will be inaugurated by H.E. Ibrahim Obaid Al Zaabi, Director General of Insurance Authority (IA) U.A.E. It will also feature the exclusive launch of the World Takaful Report 2017 by Milliman. WTC will take place on the 11th and 12th of April at the Dusit Thani Hotel, Dubai. The second day of the conference will take shape in the form of a dedicated stream InsurTech Integrated that will focus on the impact of disruptive technologies on the insurance industry. The stream aims to highlight the importance of developing digital proficiency amongst insurance operators in the light of stiff competition by spearheading a series of insight-generating discussions.