FT Future of Insurance 2017

London | All futures are uncertain but some are more uncertain than others. Whilst the insurance industry, beleaguered by prolonged low interest rate aridity and stifling capital rules, seeks new avenues for growth, it also faces a world which seems to be increasingly unpredictable in several respects. Is the industry prepared for a changing world order with a shifting set of geopolitical risks? And as cyber risks wreak increasing havoc, are insurers keeping pace? The growing role of new technology flows like a life-blood through every conversation but are incumbents actually ‘walking the walk’ that will keep them relevant and competitive? The FT Future of Insurance 2017 views a complex world through the prism of wide-ranging expertise so as to distill intelligent and prescient business strategies. Ranging from better understanding behaviours and data through to devising robust investment decisions, tailoring new products and closing protection gaps, this programme will gather business leaders, economists and cultural commentators to explore the opportunities available, the obstacles to be overcome and the changes required to chart a course for sustainable and assured growth and evolution.