4th Annual OPEX Insurance Disruptive Transformation

Conquer The Chaos & Technology of Today: Become The Insurer of Tomorrow The insurance industry has always been one of the most competitive in the world. The traditional battlegrounds were underwriting, claims and process efficiencies, but rapidly changing customer expectations, disruptive models of service delivery and lower barriers for customer defection are all potential game changers. The insurance industry is a vast consumer of information, historically requiring great human expertise to turn disparate data into sound business decisions, but that too is changing. In the new world, small companies will quickly become big and because the market is finite, some big players will have to become smaller! And the force multiplier for all of this change is, without question, technology. Atlanta, US | Companies that can integrate technology, deploy superior data analytics and process automation and then combine it to deliver world-class customer experience are likely to be the winners at the expense of those who cannot. How prepared are you and your organisation for the changes on the horizon? Do the answers lie in ‘plug-in & play’ point solutions or should changes be at platform level? Is it one size fits all or is it ‘horses for courses’? Where do the ‘people and processes’ fit into technology or technology fit into the people and process? And, how tech-savvy do the decision-makers in your OPEX need to be?