World’s most notable Takaful & Insurance Forum returns to Dubai this April
In the midst of the changing regulatory and economic landscape, over 300 industry leaders will converge at the 14th Annual World Takaful & InsurTech Conference in Dubai this April to discuss the key issues affecting the Takaful and InsurTech landscape.
Dubai, UAE – February 11, 2019: Middle East Global Advisors, a leading financial intelligence platform facilitating the development of knowledge-based economies in the MENASEA markets, will convene the 14th edition of their annual offering – The World Takaful & InsurTech Conference (WTIC), in strategic partnership with the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and supported by the Insurance Authority (IA) and the Dubai Islamic Economy Development Centre (DIEDC) on April 01st & 02nd in Dubai, UAE. The two-day long forum will take place at Address Dubai Mall Hotel.
Owing to the massive disruption that the conventional and takaful insurance sectors have been witnessing, there is an urgency for the industry to evolve and adapt to the same. In order to capture the industry transformation and trends across the global insurance landscape, the annual World Takaful Conference has been repositioned as the 14th Annual World Takaful & InsurTech Conference (WTIC 2019) and will spearhead a series of discussions centred around the theme of “Reinforcing Customer Engagement and Operational Agility through Digital Transformation”.
WTIC 2019 will also see keynote addresses by Abdulla Mohammed Al Awar, CEO, Dubai Islamic Economy Development Centre (DIEDC), an exclusive one-on-one interview with Zia Zaman, Chief Executive Officer, Lumen Lab & Chief Innovation Officer, Metlife Asia and Reena Vivek, Chief Operating Officer, Zurich International - Executive Sponsor of Women's Innovation Network - Middle East; and conversations with Puan Nurul Izza Idris, Deputy Director of Jabatan Perbankan Islam dan Takaful, Bank Negara Malaysia; Sager Nadershah, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Aljazira Takaful; Osama Abdeen, Chief Executive Officer, Abu Dhabi National Takaful Company P.S.C; Sedick Isaacs, Head - Business Support Service, Bryte Insurance Company Limited & Mohamed Awad Omer, Assistant MD (Takaful), Shiekan Insurance & Reinsurance Company & exclusive presentations from our Partners - Clyde & Co. & HandsOn Aktuaris, as they impart valuable insights on a host of key themes affecting the Takaful and Insurance Innovations industry at large.
Since its inception in 2006, The World Takaful & InsurTech Conference has been committed to push the envelope with each edition. The 14th edition of the conference will see unique innovations in the form of an Innovative Insurer Showcase Session whereby attendees can explore transformative solutions by way of insurance products, services and technologies, an Exclusive Takaful Workshop to explore the nuances and foundation of traditional Takaful conducted by the region’s renowned Shari’ah scholars, Regulators’ Rendezvous whereby insurance regulators from GCC & Asia will share the best regulatory mandates and practices for the industry to unleash its full potential whilst maintaining compliance and an Insightful Audit Session on IFRS17, among others.
WTIC 2019 is the definitive forum to meet leading minds from Takaful, InsurTech and Insurance Innovations, with representation from over 35 countries ranging from key markets for Takaful such as the GCC and South East Asia to emerging markets such as Africa and Europe. In 2018, WTIC convened high profile guests and dignitaries from Dubai Islamic Economy Development Centre (DIEDC), Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), Insurance Authority (IA), Islamic Insurance Association of London (IIAL), Moody’s, EY, Munich Re, Clyde & Co., Fitch Ratings, Lloyd’s, S&P Global Ratings, Zurich Insurance Company Ltd., Nippon Life Asia Pacific, Noor Takaful, EmiratesRE and many more organizations.
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