Pietro Menghi, the CEO of Neosurance is just back from Silicon Valley where he flew last week for the final selection of Insurtech startups at the Plug and Play Tech Center, the largest accelerator of startups worldwide.
“I and the whole team at Neosurance were very proud to be selected among the 40 finalist startups out of 1000 applicants to pitch during the Insurtech Selection Day of Plug and Play Tech Center that is a gateway to the Valley and to the worldwide Insurtech ecosystem, bringing together startups, corporate sponsors, investors and a community of leading universities”, Pietro says.
An intense week spent with the young and very entrepreneurial team of Plug and Play and their corporate sponsors, the largest and most innovative insurers and reinsurers from all over the world, all looking to seize and steer the new revolutionary course which will change the insurance experience for good.
The Insurtech disruption is real and tangible as the insurance value chain gains true and total customer centricity from distribution to claims payment in the machine learning and mobile digital era.
From a plethora of apps and on demand insurance platforms, Neosurance stands out as the innovative tech partner to enable contextual, personalized micro-covers offered through push notifications directly on our smartphone, when and where it matters most. In the age of mobility and mobile, where virtual and physical converge in one single experience, smartphones become an extension of the person allowing for a strong connection to be established between the very personal world of the individual and the wider world, enabling new emotional impulsive buying behaviours.
Neosurance AI engine reads through context, behaviours and emotions to translate them into the ultimate insurance customer experience, a true change of paradigm from the classical one size fits all, product driven insurance offer. Relevant, easy, effective and above all just a few clicks away to offer that very sense of protection, just in time.
Neosurance proposition was enthusiastically received by all insurers and reinsurers present at Plug&Play, with several exciting plans discussed for the US market and globally. Much appreciated was the diversity of the team, from the long and successful entrepreneurial track record of the founders in the area of IoT and mobile digital experience in retail distribution of consumer and luxury goods to the vast international insurance and reinsurance background and network of the CEO and the widely recognized thought leadership of the Senior Advisors of the company.
“Our purpose of making insurance close and relevant to people has also a profound social meaning to build sustainability. Thinking of the multiple use cases to offer protection to millenials and young generations as well as the plans for solutions dedicated to developing countries”, Pietro affirms
Combining psychographics and machine learning together with a new generation of insurance protections finally brings the customer at the very core of a revolutionary journey, no matter in which part of the world or personal context we find ourselves.
“We keep our fingers crossed for the final announcement and we’re definitely ready to become frequent flyers on the Milan and London routes to San Francisco, ready to join the new ecosystem to change the insurance industry from its core, forever.” Menghi concludes.