5th Asia Insurance CIO Technology Summit

In this digital age, consumers are spoilt for choice as technology firms and start-ups are fighting to get a piece of the market share. With InsurTech start-ups constantly entering and disrupting the scene, innovation and efficiency are key to sustaining an Insurer’s competitiveness. The Insurance Industry has long been slow to adapt to the fast-changing technology scene, playing catch-up to the likes of Banking and e-Commerce, which are constantly rebranding to stay ahead of the curve. In areas such as mobile adoption where it is untapped, a world of massive opportunities lie ahead. Also, with emerging technologies such as Cryptocurrency, 3-D Printing & Artificial Intelligence, we explore the possibilities of Insurers leveraging on these to change the way it traditionally operates, more importantly to increase the bottom-line and retain its existing customers. In the world of Internet of Things, where Big Data & Social Media are already the norm, the CIO must step up his game and go beyond traditional responsibilities to integrate all of the above together, by engaging both internal and external stakeholders, as well as this new myriad of emerging technologies available. The challenge and importance of the CIO has never been greater. The 2-day Summit will also feature the Asia Insurance Technology Awards (AITA) organised by Celent and Asia Insurance Review. A segment has also been dedicated to Innovation in Insurance, where we find out all about the latest happenings in the Innovation & InsurTech space.